AA map offer - FAQs

 Where do the maps cover?
 All of Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). They do not cover Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man (postcodes starting with BT, GY, JE or IM) as Ordnance Survey did not produce maps of these areas in this series.
What date are the maps?
The Old Series Edition maps were published between 1805 and 1874. Starting in the south it took the surveyors 69 years to survey, draw and publish maps covering the whole of the country.

The first maps in the Revised New Series (in Colour) were published in 1896 with most of the rest of the sheets appearing over the following ten years. In a very few cases we’ve used maps from a slightly later date (up to 1910).

The date range of the originals used to make your map will be confirmed before purchase and this will appear at the foot of the map.
What formats are the maps available in?
Each map is site-centred, printed, mounted and framed in a teak and gold finished wood frame.
• Mapping area: 357mm x 242mm (14.6in x 9.5in)
• Frame size – standard: 545mm x 454mm (21.5in x 17.9in)
• Scale: 1:40,000
• Finishing: teak-stained wood frame with gold trim, acrylic glass
and digital printed mount effect.
What resolution are the maps?
300dpi – good enough for high-quality output.
How do I select the map I need?
By specifying a complete GB postcode (eg AB99 9YZ, not just AB99). This point will be at the centre of the map. Please be sure to check you have entered the correct postcode as maps cannot be exchanged or refunded as a result of such mistakes.
I don’t know the complete postcode of the location I want to centre my map on. What shall I do?
If you type the name of the village, town, street or other geographical descriptor into an internet search engine such as Google you will quickly find details of places such as shops, pubs or schools at or close to your desired location. Use one of those postcodes for your search.
Having selected the postcode and clicked ‘Order’ I am looking at small image of map. What is this?
It is an reduced view of the exact map you will receive.
How can I have my map centred on a different point?
Hit the Back button on the website and enter a different postcode.
What area will my Mounted & Framed map cover?
The mapping area is 357mm x 242mm (approx 14” x 9.5”). At the scale of 1:40,000, this covers an area of approx 14.25km x 9.7kms (approx 9 miles x 3.75 miles) centred on the postcode you specified.
What is the size of the Mounted & Framed map?
545mm x 455mm (approx 21.5” x 18”)
What ordering formalities are there?
They are as simple as they can be bearing in mind what we need to know to supply your order and your own desire for security. Once you have added all the maps you want to your shopping basket, click the ‘Checkout’ button. Follow the appropriate link depending on whether you are a new customer or not. Please be sure to enter your personal details correctly, including your email address, and take a few moments to check them before confirming.
I am a new customer and I’m being asked to create a password. What’s that for?
All our customer records require, as do those on most websites, an email address and an identification. This not only avoids your having to re-enter address details for subsequent orders (although you can change the delivery address on each occasion if you wish) but also gives you access the area of our site where your PDF downloads are held. There are no financial-security implications to the password you choose (see below), so we suggest that you pick something that is easy to remember.
Will the password contain or give access to any details of the payment card I have used?
Absolutely not. We operate a secure-payment website. This means that as soon as your order has been created and your customer details supplied or confirmed you are transferred to our merchant service, RBSWorldpay, which will process the details of your payment using the highest security precautions. For this reason, for each future order you will need to re-enter your payment-card details.
I’m an existing customer and I cannot remember my password. What shall I do?
Click on ‘forgotten password’ and we’ll email it to you. If this doesn’t arrive more or less immediately it may have got caught up in a spam filter either on your computer or at your ISP. If so, please email customerservices@cassinimaps.com and we’ll either send you your old password or change it to a new one you request.
How will I know when my order has been processed?
This will be confirmed on the final transaction screen. You should then receive two emails, one from Cassini confirming the order and one from WorldPay (our secure ordering gateway) confirming the payment. If there has been any problem with the transaction, the website should advise you of this.
My order seemed to go through but I have not had the two emails confirming this. What should I do?
Emails sometimes get caught up in spam filters and the like, either on your computer or at your ISP. If you have ordered a PDF and are able to download it (see below) then this is certainly the cause. If you are still concerned, please email customerservices@cassinimaps.com and we shall investigate further for you.
I have ordered a mounted and framed map. How long will it take to arrive?
As each map needs to be created personally for you, you should allow up to 28 days for delivery to a UK address although we always try to get it to you more quickly than this. Overseas deliveries will take longer.

I am experiencing problems with the website. What shall I do?
Our website has won awards for its ease of use and has successfully created tens of thousands of personalised maps – but problems can happen. The most common cause is a conflict between your web browser or operating system and the website. Try emptying the cache on your browser or, if you have another one (Safari, Firefox, IE etc – all are freely downloadable), try using that. If the problem persists, please email support@cassinimaps.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Our automatic fault-tracker detects most problems very quickly so it may be we’ve solved the issue before you need to contact us.
I have a problem with the delivery of my mounted and framed map. What shall I do?
Please contact customerservices@cassinimaps.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Can I use the maps for commercial purposes such as printing them in a book?
No, not without our prior permission: all these maps are © Cassini Publishing Ltd. Please contact customerservices@cassinimaps.com telling us what you wish to do with the map/s and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.